EMCS Industries is one of the best-kept secrets in its sector. An innovator from day one, EMCS Industries invented the world’s first electrolytic marine growth protection system (MGPS). This set the basic standard for the field, to the extent that everybody else now uses the same or similar technology based on the EMCS Canadian engineered and manufactured antifouling system. Trevor Tasker is the CEO of the company, and he’s not only passionate about what EMCS does, but his rich background in leadership puts him in excellent stead as head of an industry-leading company and its people.
People Power
In Interface’s previous conversation with Tasker, the focus was on leadership and managing the right team so that they thrive. Now, sitting down with him again, the topic has shifted slightly to the impact Tasker’s approach to external leadership has on partners and clients. Although this, again, starts from within.
“I can’t stress this enough: if you look after your people and you have the right people in place, the customer experience takes care of itself,” he explains. “A lot of entrepreneurs say the same, but you don’t always see it in action. If I have to micromanage somebody, I’ve made a hiring mistake. When I’ve found the right person, all I have to do is support them and trust them. If I can’t trust them, I can’t lead them. And being trusted instead of doubted makes my employees so much better at their jobs. It makes choosing the customers you deal with very important as well. In other words, the right personalities are going to gravitate to the right people.”
The Power of Partnership
“In the world of corporate partnerships, it’s not about winning every battle, but testing and ensuring the reciprocity of the relationship,” says Tasker. “Recently, when faced with a substantial order and prolonged delays, as a smaller company we needed to approach our customer partner for support. Despite a vast difference in company size, our customer readily offered assistance. This highlighted the importance of mutual respect and support that has come from fostering a sense of value in the partnership.”
Ensuring partners’ values are aligned with those of EMCS is simple: it makes decisions around them. Not only are these values all over the website and the office, they’re outlined in welcome letters. These values are integrity, relationships, authenticity, and responsiveness. All of these are required to create a trusting environment. They are elements that require the human touch good people bring.